My Reflections
This page is where I share my innermost reflections and poems.
Writing & journalling has always helped me process what is happening in my life. I encourage everyone to give it a try and see what comes up for you.
The Chemo Suite

I look across the room at others in the Chemo Suite, some of them alone, some with family & friends. Each with a different story, different cancer, and a different diagnosis.
Yet here we are all sitting in the same place, fearful but putting on a brave face and I meet their eyes with a soft smile and an inner knowing that says, “I See You”.
Some families don’t want to look around. They come with their loved ones with their eyes cast down. Still in disbelief that this is now their life, they sit and support the one hooked up to the special drug, hopeful that it works, silently locked in their own grief.
The nurses are busy, so many to see. Short-staffed and hungry but not taking a break even as they bring us cups of tea. Their joyful smiles and cheerful jibes are a welcome relief from the fear, sadness, and disbelief.
They and the others make it more bearable, and as our turn comes to an end for today, we smile and say thank you and turn and walk away.
Knowing we will be back next week with another room full of strangers to greet.
Much love ~ Christine